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3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Overhead Press

Learn To Lift Training • Sep 16, 2020

The Overhead Press is an excellent addition to your training but it can be a tricky one to master and a slow one to progress.

With that in mind, here's 3 simple things you can do to improve your Overhead Press.

Get the bar path right


A common mistake, particularly amongst those new to the lift, is to move the bar out in front of their head and then loop it back round it. This is a very inefficient way to press and will cost you in terms of stability and the amount of weight you can lift.

We advise a slight backwards lean and tilt back of the head as you initiate the movement. Keep the bar close to your face as you press from this position and then as the bar passes the top of your head, drive your head and torso through.

Push your head through at lockout


The correct position at lockout to allow you to support a heavy weight overhead is with the bar over the back of your head which puts it in a position where your wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips and feet are all in alignment.

Thinking of pushing your head and torso through as the bar passes your face is a good way to help achieve this (just be careful not to push through excessively as we want the aforementioned alignment not an overextension of your back with the bar behind your head entirely). 

Build the stabilising muscles

The shoulders and triceps are prime movers for the Overhead Press but building the stabilising muscles can be of big benefit. Two good areas to focus on are:

🔹Lats - these help create a shelf to press from so using assistance exercises such as rows, lat pulldowns, pull ups etc can really pay off.

🔹Core work - a strong core gives you the stable base you need to press from and helps efficiently transfer force into the bar. Great options here include assistance exercises such as planks, weighted planks, ab wheel roll outs and more.

Get some coaching and learn more

If you are Glasgow based and would like to get some coaching on this and other big lifts have a look at our Personal Training in Glasgow and Glasgow Bootcamps pages to find out more.

Happy pressing team!

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