About Bootcamp

Learn More About The Bootcamps

What's included in the bootcamps?

The bootcamps are so much more than just training sessions, they are very specifically designed to be comprehensive group training packages that give you everything you need to achieve your health and fitness goals. Each bootcamp has the following key features:

✔ 12 to 18 full sessions over 6 weeks

✔ Comprehensive training programs 

✔ Detailed nutrition guide 

✔ Closed Facebook group for constant support 

✔ Full result tracking 

In essence you get robust strength and conditioning training with all the benefits of personal training but in a fun group setting with people who have similar goals to you and at a far cheaper price!

What do the training sessions include?

The bootcamp sessions are designed so that not only do you get expert coaching on key exercises but you also get pushed through challenging workouts incorporating these exercises.  The workouts contain the following key elements:

✔ Dynamic warm up 

✔ Coaching on the key exercises (such as squats, trap bar deadlifts, bench presses, overhead presses, rows and many more)

✔ Weight training

✔ Conditioning (high intensity intervals & circuits)

✔ Cool down and stretch

Each workout is specifically planned to build on the workout before it across the duration of the bootcamp.  We love it when people hit new personal bests and achieve their goals so this is a big focus for us!

Who are the bootcamps suitable for?

The bootcamps are perfect for males and females anywhere from 18 years old all the way to in their 50s. They are suitable for a wide range of ability levels as all the training sessions are designed to be scalable, we have members ranging from total beginners to those competing in high level competitions in sports such as Powerlifting, Strongman and Strongwoman. The bootcamps are also perfect for focusing on a whole range of goals, including:

✔ Fat loss

✔ Muscle building

Improving fitness levels

✔ Generally becoming fitter and healthier

✔ Learning how to train properly

Perhaps most importantly of all the Learn To Lift Bootcamps are perfect for people wanting to look and feel better about themselves and working towards doing so in a fun and supportive environment with a group of friendly people who share these goals!

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