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Is Bootcamp Better Than The Gym?

Learn To Lift Training • May 17, 2021

Bootcamp Glasgow - Is Bootcamp Better Than The Gym?

If you are new to training or the concept of Bootcamp you will most likely have a number of questions. Indeed, it's common to see a lot of these online and in light of this we decided to provide the answers to the questions most frequently asked.

First up in this post we will address one of the biggest questions and this is as follows:

Question - Is Bootcamp better than the gym?

Answer - Yes it is. The reason for this is that you receive expert coaching in working towards your goals as part of a fun, friendly and supportive community.

If you have trained in a gym before by yourself you will probably have noticed familiar faces training away and never making any progress towards their goals. Indeed, you may well have been frustrated for these very same reasons.

The Learn To Lift Bootcamp isn't like other bootcamps, there's no running about in the park doing endless burpees and bodyweight exercises. It is essentially group personal training where you get all the knowledge, support and motivation for working towards your goals and share the journey with a friendly group of likeminded people. Our style of training is very much gym based but you will be training in a focused and fully coached manner rather than attempting to figure things out on your own.

The key components of Bootcamp include:

✔ Fully coached training sessions

✔ Comprehensive training programs 

✔ Detailed nutrition guide 

✔ Closed Facebook group for constant support 

✔ Full result tracking

It's suitable for a wide range of goals from fat loss and muscle building to ultimately looking and feeling better about yourself.

Learn more about Bootcamp

We are very proud of the our Learn To Lift Bootcamp community and what the members of it have achieved. To learn more about it and find out what others have to say, take a look at our Glasgow Bootcamp page and our Find A Bootcamp page to locate one near you!

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