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Lockdown Life - Free Home Workout

Learn To Lift Training • Jan 11, 2021

Lockdown Life - Free Home Workout

Last week in our post about factors still within your control during lockdown we spoke about bodyweight/low kit workouts.

Here's a low kit workout you can do at home, all you need is a kettlebell of moderate weight!

Some important things to bear in mind

Here's a few notes to accompany the workout:

🔹Perform a 5 min general warm up before starting, a few rounds of bodyweight squats, push ups, reverse lunges, plank, arm swings and leg swings should suffice.

🔹A1 and A2, B1 and B2 mean supersets. Perform a set of the first exercise followed by a set of the second, then rest a few mins. Repeat for the specified number of sets.

🔹Before performing each of the supersets get a short exercise specific warm up in. Again nothing overly complicated, one set of 5 reps of each exercise should work just fine.

🔹For the finisher perform 21 KB Swings follows by 21 Weighted Toe Touches, then 18 of each, 15 of each and so on moving back and forth between the exercises. Split the reps up and rest as needed but try and complete the whole circuit in as little time as you feel you are able to.

🔹Google any exercises you aren't familiar with, technique is always a priority.

🔹You can obviously scale the workout to your ability level and the weight of the KB you have available by adding or subtracting reps and rounds too.

If you are able to hit workouts like these 3-5 times per week they can have some great benefits both physically and mentally.

Take action towards achieving your goals

If you enjoyed this workout and would like coaching on this and similar take a look at our Online Personal Training page and Drop Us A Message to get involved!

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