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Lockdown Life Nutrition Tips Elaborated - Satiety

Learn To Lift Training • Mar 12, 2021

Lockdown Life Nutrition Tips Elaborated - Satiety

Controlling hunger can be central to achieving a fat loss goal and eating satiating foods can in turn be central to this.

Satiating foods promote better adherence


Satiety means the satisfied feeling of being full after eating. When it comes to a fat loss goal think:

🔹High volume of food.

🔹Relatively low calories.

🔹Nutrient dense.

These are some of the key characteristics that help keep you feeling fuller for longer and thus help manage hunger.

The obvious options are sometimes the best

The notion of what might be described as healthy eating can be a bit cliched at times, no doubt many of you will have heard of the old school bodybuilding approach of eating endless meals of chicken, broccoli and rice. It doesn't need to be this monotonous or boring by any means but some of the best satiating food options are often what might be considered the obvious ones.

Good examples include:

🔹Lean protein sources such as certain cuts of steak, chicken breasts, turkey steaks, fish and even things such as low fat percentage mince.

🔹Fruits and vegetables ranging from bananas and apples to various berries and so on.

🔹Whole grains.

Protein is a particularly satiating macronutrient and, as we will discuss in future posts, is very important when working towards a fat loss goal for other reasons too. The examples we have given above for lean protein sources obviously don't apply if you are vegetarian or vegan. If you don't eat meant think grains, pulses and possibly certain meat substitutes in terms of protein sources.

The examples provided are far from exhaustive but the main take home point here is building the vast majority of your nutrition around satiating foods like these can be a crucial strategy in hunger management and in achieving your fat loss goals.

Take action towards your goals

As with any nutrition based tips please bear in mind they are based on a normal healthy adult with no underlying medical conditions, if in doubt always consult with a qualified medical professional.

If you find these tips useful and would like help implementing them and receive further support with achieving your goals, take a look at our Online Personal Training page and drop us a message!

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