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Lockdown Life Nutrition Tips Elaborated - Snacks

Learn To Lift Training • Mar 22, 2021

Lockdown Life Nutrition Tips Elaborated - Snacks

Snacking is often something that can derail your fat loss goals but there are some good strategies that can help!

Keep some high protein snacks handy

In our last Nutrition Tips Elaborated post we discussed the importance of protein and offered some good daily targets to work towards. A big advantage of high protein snacks is that they can help you hit these targets. Sometimes people find it quite challenging to get their protein levels up at first so this can be a big help in bridging the gap.

One of the other big advantages is that they can help you avoid snacking on "junk" food. The net effect being that the high protein snacks can help minimise the calories you consume through snacking and may be an important part of keeping you in the calorie deficit you need to have in place to achieve fat loss goals.

Some examples of good options for high protein snacks include things like beef jerky, high protein yogurts, protein bars and for some people even packets of cold meats.

Fruit is also an excellent snack

Fruit can also be a great snack option when you have fat loss goals in mind. When we spoke about satiety in previous posts we mentioned fruit as one of the key groups of satiating foods to focus on.

It meets the criteria of being:

🔹Relatively low calorie.

🔹Nutrient dense.

🔹High food volume (relative to the calories).

On top of that it is also tasty and can help overcome the cravings for something sweet that some of you may have.

Keep an eye on the big picture

Ultimately, you are most likely to snack on what you have available so keeping a good supply of high protein snacks and fruit handy can be a good idea.

However, please keep in mind that regardless of what you are snacking on you must be in a calorie deficit in order to lose body fat. You can still nudge yourself out of a calorie deficit consuming food that might be considered "healthier" options. Be mindful of your overall food intake and plan the aforementioned snacks to fit with this.

Take action towards your goals

As with any nutrition based tips please bear in mind they are based on a normal healthy adult with no underlying medical conditions, if in doubt always consult with a qualified medical professional.

Hopefully you've found these snacking tips helpful. If you would like further guidance on implementing them and coaching to help achieve your fat loss goals, take a look at our Online Personal Training page and drop us a message!

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