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Online Personal Training Glasgow Results - Sinead's 12 Week Transformation

Learn To Lift Training • Apr 12, 2021

Online Personal Training Glasgow Results - Sinead's 12 Week Transformation

This is an exciting post for us to be able to share with you today, nothing makes us happier than seeing clients succeed in achieving their goals and this is exactly what Sinead did with her 12 week Online Personal Training transformation!

The 12 week results

First up let's take a look at the big changes we have seen in some of the key measurements:

🔹Bodyweight - down 10 kg from 76 kg to 66 kg

🔹Waist - down 14 cm

10 kg is a superb amount of weight to lose in 12 weeks and we are sure you will agree you can see a massive change in Sinead in the pictures attached. This was in fact the ambitious goal we set at the beginning of the process and it was brilliant to see her achieve it!

However, it's always about more than just the change in the scale weight, what the pictures and measurements don't necessarily show you is the improvements in self-confidence, the increase in fitness levels, the health benefits and indeed the mental health benefits too, especially during such a challenging time as a global pandemic and the lockdown life this has brought with it!

How did we do it?

It can seem like a big challenge to achieve such a big change in such a short period of time and in truth it isn't by any means easy but by putting certain factors in place it is most definitely achievable as Sinead has shown!

Here's some of the key elements behind how she achieved this result:

🔹Consistency - this is the most important factor of all, you can have a brilliant plan in place covering all the bases but you need to be consistent in executing it to achieve the best results.

🔹Goal setting - this can also be very important as it can give you motivation and focus in your efforts. In Sinead's case we set the aforementioned ambitious goal of dropping 10 kg but she smashed and that is in large part to do with our previous point, she was very consistent through out the process.

It's always a good idea to set some sub goals too, habit based ones that work well in chipping away at your overall goals are a good idea here. Things like hitting certain nutrition targets daily, a certain number of workouts per week etc.

🔹Calorie deficit - one of the key things about a fat loss goal in particular is that you must be in a calorie deficit to achieve it.

There are many different ways to approach creating this calorie deficit, from intermittent fasting to calorie tracking and even keto. They can all work if applied properly but the key is finding the structure that works best for you.

In Sinead's case the approach we found what worked best was setting some basic calorie and protein targets with some simple parameters set around how she would achieve these each day. Things like consuming 4 meals per day, minimising liquid calories and so on.

🔹Training program - getting a good training program in place is another important factor. Resistance training is extremely valuable in maintaining lean mass, think muscle mass, the good stuff we don't want to lose in order to improve body composition and have you looking your best with your transformation.

If you are new to training you can even build muscle whilst in a calorie deficit, although this is a conversation for another day.

There's a lot of different ways to approach training and things will vary from individual to individual but in general focusing on big 'bang for your buck' compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, overhead presses and even things like leg presses and lat pulldowns, can be very valuable. As can utilising supersets and various cardio elements such as metcons and high intensity interval training. These are very time efficient and can help even the busiest of people fit in some effective training sessions.

3 to 4 workouts per week is a good target for most people and this is in fact what Sinead did during the 12 week training process.

🔹General activity levels - it's easy to overlook how valuable a part of the process this can be, people often purely focus on the workouts they perform in the gym.

However, increasing your general activity levels is a great way to help in achieving a fat loss goal and has big benefits to your general health as well. Step targets are an easy and effective way to do this and this is exactly what we did with Sinead to excellent effect.

🔹Strategies for real life situations - no matter how focused you are and how much you try to mould your schedule to the goals you have set, something will always pop up that can make things challenging. From special occasions to holidays and so on.

Things were no different for Sinead during the 12 weeks in question and the key was coming up with strategies to help accommodate them.

For example, simple strategies like consuming spirits with low/no calorie mixers as opposed to wine or beer and preparing healthier food options ahead of time made all the difference for occasions when alcohol consumption became a factor.

The take home message

The points above are of course a simplified version of things to give you a feel for what was involved but the most important thing to bear in mind if you want to achieve something similar to what Sinead did is to set some goals, get a solid plan in place and take consistent action towards achieving your goals!

Learn more about Online Personal Training

Whenever we work with a client the personal training process is about so much more to us, it's about the satisfaction of helping clients achieve their goals, the big boost in self-confidence that clients get through the process and ultimately putting them in the position where they look and feel the best they ever have!

If you are inspired by Sinead's achievements and would like to start on making your own 12 week transformation, take a look at our Online Personal Training page and drop us a message to get started!

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