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Glasgow Bootcamp Progress Pics

Learn To Lift Training • Oct 05, 2020

Glasgow Bootcamp Progress Pictures

We use the word "Bootcamp" to describe our group training. We use this word as it is what most people generally recognise as representing group training.

However, in truth we don't run a bootcamp. Not in the traditional sense at least. There's no running around in parks and countless bodyweight exercises such as burpees.

Not that there is anything wrong with this approach, it's just that we run our version of a Bootcamp, which would be better described as high level group strength and conditioning sessions.

More than just a bootcamp

We are very performance focused, emphasising results and progression in big barbell lifts and other key areas. We love this approach for helping people achieve well rounded improvements in their lives, both physically and mentally. From goals such as fat loss to muscle building but most importantly of all feeling more confident, happier and empowered.

We are extremely proud of our fun, friendly and supportive community of Bootcampers and wanted to share some of their results from focusing on a performance based approach despite very different goals.

Bootcamp Glasgow - Progress Pics From Focusing On Performance
Bootcamp Glasgow - Progress Pic Ashley

Ashley - from learning to lift to lean, athletic and strong

What a difference in Ashley, she has been a valued member of the group since day one.

Her original goal was to improve her body composition and learn how to train properly.

Not only has she become much leaner but she has gone from learning how to lift to becoming extremely strong, athletic and even competing in Powerlifting.

She is also a very good baker and provides some excellent training tunes to get the energy up in the room and the big lifts flowing!

John - added loads of muscle and strength through the roof

John is a great example of a male member of Bootcamp who wanted to add muscle and become stronger to aid his performance on the rugby pitch.

To say he has been successful in doing this is a massive understatement. The pictures speak for themselves as to the sheer amount of muscle mass he has added to his frame.

His strength has increased massively too, perhaps the best example of this is his Deadlift increasing from 150 kg when he joined bootcamp all thew way up to 240 kg and he is now on the cusp of pulling a massive 272.5 kg (600 lbs for any Americans reading).

John has progressed so much that he now competes in the sport of Strongman, with impressive competition performances already under his belt and even more big things to come soon!

Bootcamp Glasgow - Progress Pic John
Bootcamp Glasgow - Progress Pic Abi

Abi - added more muscle and looking great

Abi's goal was always to add muscle to her physique, learn how to train properly with free weights and increase her strength.

She has gone from skeletor (her word not ours, we think she looked great before and after) to athletic and strong.

It's fantastic to see the difference in her, not only can you clearly see from the pictures that has she added good quality lean mass to her back, shoulders, arms and glutes but she has also developed extremely impressive lb for lb strength!

A valued member of the group from the very begining, she keeps going from strength to strength.

Chris B - leaner and stronger than ever

Chris joined Bootcamp with the goal of decreasing his body fat levels, learning how to perform the big barbell lifts and getting stronger.

He is now 4 stone lighter, that's a massive 25 kg, and getting stronger every time he touches a bar.

A massive difference in Chris already and he keeps improving!

There's more to it than just the pictures

These are four different people with very different goals but superb progress was made by all of them!

However, these pictures are just a visual representation of physical changes. What you can't see is how much stronger, fitter and more confident they have become. All the friendships they have made, the motivation they get from other members and indeed the friendly motivation and support they provide to others.

The physical changes are great to see but it is always about so much more than that for us!

Be a part of our amazing community

If you would like to be part of our fun, friendly and supportive community take a look at our Glasgow Bootcamp page, drop us a message and we will let you know what availability we have.

Happy training team!

Bootcamp Glasgow - Progress Pic Chris B
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