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3 Things You Can Do To Keep Fit In Lockdown

Learn To Lift Training • Jan 05, 2021

3 Things You Can Do To Keep Fit In Lockdown

More frustrating news with the tightening of lockdown measures being announced 🔐. We can't control what we can't control but on the positive side, there are still a number of key things within your control with regards to your health and fitness.

3 key thing you can do to improve your health and fitness during lockdown include:

✅ Bodyweight/low kit workouts

A bit clichéd by now and although we are big proponents of barbell and dumbbell based training, there is still plenty you can do with little or no equipment.

Unilateral lower body work, push ups, core work, tempos, supersets, circuits etc can all be utilised to improve your fitness levels, especially if you are new to training, or help maintain levels and blunt the impact of the lockdown if you are more advanced.

Getting into a good rhythm of hitting 3-5 of these workouts per week can be of big benefit and help bring structure to a time when it can seem to be lacking the most.

✅ Focus on your nutrition

You don't need to go into a full blown post Christmas cut tracking everything you consume with MyFitnessPal. Lockdown can be a stressful time and impacts everyone differently. Even simple actions such as the following can be of big benefit to your health and fitness during such a challenging time:

🔹Consume a good portion of protein at every meal.

🔹Eat fruit or vegetables at most meals.

🔹Aim to drink 2 litres of water or so per day.

🔹Minimise junk food consumption.

Finding a structure that suits you is always the key but you don't need to overcomplicate things at a time that can present a great deal of challenges as it is.

✅ Get the steps in

Unlimited outdoor activity is still permitted in Scotland and regular walks can be a big plus for not only your physical health but mental as well.

They are a great way to get your general activity levels up and a simple step target can be a good motivator for this. 8-10k steps per day is generally a good starting point.

Get more support

You might not be able to approach things the way you normally would if the gyms were open but hopefully this helps highlight that there is still a lot of positive things you can do in the meantime.

If you would like more support and motivation take a look at our our Online Personal Training page and drop us a message!

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