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Top Tips For Fat Loss

Learn To Lift Training • Sep 13, 2020

The gyms are open and most of the people we have spoken to have identified that they have particular fat loss goals 🎯 they want to achieve, having gained some extra weight through inactivity and the various challenges lockdown presented.

Here's some top level tips for helping achieve these goals.

You must be in a calorie deficit

This is the most fundamental tip of all. In order to achieve fat loss you must be in a calorie deficit, meaning calories in must be less than calories out.

There are many ways and approaches to achieving a calorie deficit, the key is finding a system that works for you and being consistent over an extended period of time!

Eat plenty of protein

The are a number of advantages to eating a good amount of protein in your diet, particularly when working towards a fat loss goal.

🔹It helps preserve muscle. This is always a good thing, we've never heard of anyone working towards the goal of being "skinny fat" as the saying goes.

🔹 It's satiating and keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Thus making it easier to work towards a calorie deficit.

Recommendations can vary for just how much protein to consume but in general if you are hitting 2 grams per kg of bodyweight spread relatively evenly across 3-6 meals for the day, you are off to a good start.

Get the fruits and veggies in

As well as offering many general health benefits due to micronutrient content, fibre etc, fruits and veggies are great when working towards a fat loss goal because they let you get in a lot of food volume for relatively little calories. Much like the point above as regards protein, this helps in keeping you fuller for longer and makes it much easier to sustain a calorie deficit.

As always these tips aren't intended as an exhaustive list but cover some of the key factors to be aware of. They are based on a normal healthy adult with no underlying medical conditions, if in doubt always consult with a qualified medical professional.

If you want help achieving your fat loss goals have a look at what we offer in terms of Personal Training in Glasgow and our ever popular Learn To Lift Bootcamp Glasgow.

Get stuck in to smashing those goals team!

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